14 Ways to Document Baby’s Firsts from Birth to Year 1

You’ve a baby on the way, and so much on your mind. From all the baby stuff to buy, baby proofing the house, all the appointments, chaos, hiring a doula, maybe a birth photographer.  

Breathe. It’s going to be okay. We know you know baby is almost here. Maybe you’re thinking about how the heck you’re going to document their precious firsts from birth to their first birthday. 

Your baby’s first year is the most exciting, but exhausting, time as parents. Time goes by quickly, with how fast they grow, when they take their first step, first tooth comes in, and beyond.  

I have great news to share! There are some pretty creative ways to document your baby’s first year, and we’re writing this because this is a HUGE part of your family’s story. These firsts are something parents and their wee ones will never experience again, and we want to help you hold onto these memories and share them. Keep reading for tips on how to document baby’s firsts from birth to year 1.

My Tips and Tricks for Capturing Your Baby’s First Year 

When it comes to taking pictures, most of us don’t have any real intent behind them; we are in the age of seeing something “photo worthy” and whipping out the phone to quickly snap the picture or record the video.  

There is nothing wrong with this; of course, it’s become the norm, and when it comes to our kids, maybe there needs to be a little more thought behind the snapshot, especially from when they are first born up to their first year. For example, maybe a little more thought than 18,0000,497 snapshots of the same milk-drunk face, and an overly full phone.

So when you’re thinking about taking pictures/video of your little one(s), ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who is my little one right now? 
  • How do I best show who they are? 
  • What are they achieving? What are they doing? 
  • What story do I want to tell? 

You don’t have to be an award-winning photographer when capturing photos, either! Here are some camera tricks, tips and what to document when it comes to taking photos/videos of your little ones. 

  1. Always have your phone or camera ready to go and document EVERYTHING, at least until they tell you to stop because they DO! PRO TIP: Try to capture movement, as this is part of what gives a photo life. I know on some phones for sure, you can go in and change the camera settings to the one you want to be on when you open up your phone’s camera. 
  2. Set up your phone or camera on a tripod and a timer or grab one of those cheap Bluetooth triggers (or selfie stick) and get in the photo too.  
  3. Record a video in 4K on your phone (or highest capable resolution) and grab the still shot of the perfect capture. 
  4. Shoot high. 
  5. Children repeat everything, wait and pray they do it again. Documentary is about patience and connection; I like the connection part, I don’t like the being patient part, however, when I do manage to wait it out, it has proven to work in my pictures’ favour. 
  6. Be patient; sometimes babies don’t want to perform, and that is okay. Be patient or wait patiently while they repeat what they just did.  
  7. Grab a Polaroid and have some fun!  

Documenting can be in-the-moment, too.

1. Look for movement.

2. Connected moments.

3. Funny moments.

4. Quiet moments. 

5. Sleepy moments.  

6. In the moment, moments. 

7. Angry moments – Fun Fact, this one got me runner-up in an image contest. It is printed and hung on my wall among my other most beloved memories. He is angry with me over something, and his look is one I don’t ever want to forget from a time that has passed.

8. Sad moments.  

9. I am sure you get the gist moments.

Tips for getting it all!

  • Invest in a photographer to capture a day in your life, birth, maternity, newborn, family, or another creative way you hire one for.  
  • Take your camera or phone everywhere with you.  

What to document, if not eeeeeeverything? 

  • The birth, or immediately after. You may think it’s not a good time; however, you’re a BADASS BABY BIRTHER, and YES, you are going to want that photo. PRO TIP: If you really hate it, wait a few years; if you still hate it, delete it or toss it out. However, I am willing to bet you don’t. Another Pro Tip: if you hire us at Stages, I give you only the photos you choose, and you decide what to share and what not to share, so all images of you are 100% private to you alone unless you choose to show anyone.  
  • Monthly Milestones, or a photo a month. 
  • Firsts: crawling, sitting, food, walking, running, driving and waving goodbye as they drive away to destination empty nesters. You get the gist here.  
  • Teeny tiny tiny little naked baby butts or puffy cloth diapered baby butts are essential in any good blackmail…erm, I mean, baby book.  

Speaking of baby books, have you thought about creating one? 

From professional photography and products to tech-savvy online outlets to DIY crafty projects, there are many ways to be creative with documenting your baby’s first year. Below are 14 ways to get you started.

1. Birth Photography

Yes, we have a camera at our fingertips now, so taking photos of early moments can be easier than trying to hurry and load film to a camera.  

But use your phone wisely, especially if you only have so much space (including in the Cloud). To make it easier, tag these photos with your baby’s name, and the milestone when you’re recording these moments and make a folder specifically for them, so you can easily find them later.  

Do consider using an actual camera as well, or hiring a professional birth photographer when you’re not able to hold a camera. Technology is great, but sometimes things can become corrupted or accidentally deleted, and there will be moments where you’d prefer someone else take the photos so you can be present with your new little squish.

No matter what type of photography you choose, be sure you’ve got a good backup plan, i.e. Cloud sharing, memory card/USB drive, a pro photographer, etc.  

2. Birth Videography

Photos capture still moments, while videos capture their movements with sound. Moments like baby’s first steps are usually preferred to be recorded on video to show all that is going on during the moment.  

There are many moments you can capture on camera from crawling, standing, cheeky grinning, to blowing out candles on their first birthday cake. 

All our videos at Stages come on a 10′ movie screen or are uploaded onto a USB for you, with the hopes that it won’t out date itself like my mini DVDs did.

3. Try Letter Writing

This one goes back to the “ye olden times” of writing things down on paper (but now you can use a computer if you wish to use modern day technology). Writing down your innermost thoughts about each precious moment in a letter (or letters) to your little one can be therapeutic and a great gift for their 18th birthday.  

From the day they were born to the first night they spent using their powerful lungs showcasing their voice, let them know what you were thinking, feeling, and how relieved you were when they finally settled and slept most the night.  

4. Make a Memory Jar 

A good alternative to letter writing, is a memory jar which can be filled with tiny scraps of paper and notes to your little one as they reach their milestones or throughout the year when you feel a moment. A note of how they reacted to the first song you played for them (or they ever heard), or first book they connected with you reading to them, as an example.

5. Make Milestone Cards

Documenting your little one’s rapid changes and growth is a good idea on top of the other firsts.  

You can craft your own, make them on the computer and print them, or purchase them online (either to print yourself or have them mailed).  

Yes, if you haven’t crafted, printed, or purchased milestone cards, “there’s an app for that.” There are apps with templates where you can add your photos with customizable day, month, and year icons and stickers, to make each milestone unique.  

6. Turn Their First Onesie into a Precious Toy

If you’re planning on having more than one child, you might be hanging onto baby onesies and sleepsuits for them. But why not take baby’s very first clothing items and turn them into stuffed toys? 

If you or someone you know (who is willing, and you might need to compensate them for it) are handy with needle and thread (or sewing machine), there are many adorable templates online that will turn your baby’s first onesie into a cuddly bestie. Not only is it a cuddly stuffy they can cherish and grow with, but a visible memory of early days.  

7. Start a Memory Quilt

Another one for the sewing savvy person (or if you’re handing off to someone who you’d like to make for you), leftover onesies make a great memory quilt.  

Memory quilts include embroidered dates of milestones when they’re reached, leftover onesies, squares of their favourite toy (when it is no longer their favourite toy). You can also include a first from you, such as something from your wedding, or the moment you found out they were on the way.  

8. Invest in a Memory Box

You can get quite creative with this one. Find a box big enough you think will fit all you wish to stick in it (or perhaps you may end up making multiple), decorate it and stick in baby’s name and birth date. Fill it with mementos of firsts, from photos, to letters, notes, onesies, old toys, first pair of socks, locks of hair, first pacifier, or perhaps their first blanket.  

You can create a box (or boxes) up to their 18th birthday and gift it to them when you feel they need the love. Or, you can ask for one when you sign up for one of our birth photography packages!

9. Create a Letterboard

Letterboards are everywhere, they are easy to use, and they have become popular on social media to showcase your baby’s milestones. You can snap photos of your little one next to the letter board displaying the milestone and special moments. Best part is letter boards are easily available either in store or online and fairly affordable.   

10. Scrapbooking

Another for the old school, hands-on, crafty person is the scrapbook. A combination of a journal and photographs, but randomly taped or glued onto the pages of an empty book. Taking moments and milestones and sticking them chaotically together, making this project perfect for someone who doesn’t mind a little mess in their memories.

11. Using the Interwebs

For those who prefer to go completely all out and document every tiny detail, and are tech savvy, creating a blog or website to document baby’s first year might be for you. Reporting your thoughts and feelings, uploading photos and videos, and creating online slideshows you can share.   

If you like more simple documentation, but are all about social media, creating a private Instagram account for your wee one might be for you. Share photos and milestones with only friends and family members you approve to follow, journal their first year and onwards. Plus, you’re reserving their potential Instagram handle, should they accept it, in the future.  

Privacy can be an issue if you are choosing to share photos and videos of your baby and children online. Websites and blogs can be password protected so only those friends and family granted the password are able to access these memories.  

12. Onesies Stickers

Baby’s wardrobes are the onesies, their foundation. You can take a picture of your baby each month wearing one of their onesies with a sticker displaying their age. End of the year, you can use these photos in scrapbooks, an album, or as a collection of framed photos.  

13. Side-by-Side Size Comparison

You can find something to show size perspective like a favourite toy and document your baby’s growth from month to month with a photo.

14. Headline Pages for the Scrapbook

An idea to consider if you’re doing a scrapbook, is to take a photo of your wee one at the beginning of each month and create scrapbook pages and headlines from news of the month or create fake headlines of moments that happened during the month.  

Moments to Capture in Your Baby’s First Year


The arrival of your precious babe is one of the most important days you will experience in your life, the day you’ll want to keep in your memory forever. Their first year is something special, full of emotion, exhaustion, and all the love.  

The Day Baby Comes Home 

If you had your little one at the hospital or birth center, document each little moment of your baby’s first day home. Even the coming home bit. You could hire your documentary photographer to meet you at the hospital and join you on the way home, or meet you at your home BEFORE you arrive.  

First Encounters with Friends and Family 

This one I have as an offer in my photography packages. When you introduce your little one to new people (friends and family) for the first time, you will see how special these moments are for all involved and why documenting these moments are important.

Photos of Baby and Parents Together 

There will be loads of moments with friends and family connecting to your little one, but make sure everyone is captured in moments together. Baby and parents in precious moments. Some don’t realize that one parent or the other ends up being the photographer and misses out on being in those moments, so be mindful that there is equal time.  

Bath Time 

Your first bath time together might be a mix of soothing, messy and chaotic, and you’ll want to cherish it forever (even if they won’t).  

When They Recognize Their Name 

The first time they recognize their name and respond to it, by a gurgle, a head turn, a frown or whatever it may be is something you may want to snapshot as a milestone.  

First Laugh or Smile 

That gummy grin or gurgle laugh can be hard to get on film, but worth documenting nonetheless when it’s their first.  

When They Start Crawling 

When they start moving, they really go, and you’ll be right there with your phone in hand. Don’t forget the date, not all phone cameras have it set to record the date automatically.  


When you or someone else waves at your little one and they wave back for the first time with such excitement with their tiny arms it is incredibly heartwarming. 

Learning to Stand 

A round of applause if you can capture this moment on camera.  

Favourite Foods 

You always capture the moments they make that sour face when they try something they don’t like, but capture the moments when they try something they get excited about too. Especially peas, spaghetti, and any other lovely coloured messy items. 

First Words 

When your baby starts speaking their own language, you’re going to want to document it. Learning how to communicate with your child is an important milestone. When they’re ready to start speaking, it’s a moment to cherish.  


When they start becoming curious about different toys and things in the world around them, start capturing these moments. They will fascinate you with their tastes in how they play and see the world differently from your eyes.  


They may not understand who these strange mythical creatures like the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus are, but it doesn’t mean you should refrain from celebrating their first holidays. 

No matter how a holiday is celebrated, be sure there’s a moment that’s captured.  

First Haircut 

Before and After photos are a definite way to mark the occasion when it comes to the first official haircut. It can be scary and overwhelming, but we hope that this first is a pleasant one.  

First Vacation 

Taking a trip somewhere? Short weekend to the cottage? Or braving an airplane ride? These first trip photos will speak volumes at how happy your little one is to see new things in new places.  

First Birthday 

This is a given. But the big 1 Year has arrived and the celebration complete with cake smash needs a photo or 5, and don’t forget the video. 

No matter what option or options you choose to document your baby’s first year, it will be the most precious of keepsakes. If you’re thinking about needing help with documenting some of your baby’s firsts, at Stages, I might have a package that’s just right for you. From documenting your baby’s birth to newborn photoshoots, we got you.

Questions? Thoughts? Looking for an extra camera to document this precious year? Well then, let’s chat! Click here to book your consultation today.

Candice Tizzard

Candice Tizzard

Welcome to my space! I'm going to share here everything I've learned in my years of experience as a doula and birth photographer.

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Candice Tizzard

Candice Tizzard

Welcome to my space! I'm going to share here everything I've learned in my years of experience as a doula and birth photographer.


It’s totally worth it! Unless you you’re not pregnant, and never plan to be, or you don’t have a cat, or a dog, and you’re not a lgbtq family, and you don’t like photography, or barbies. Well, yeah, then forget about it.