Discover 10 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Birth Doula/Mentor | Stages Family Services

Discover 10 Reasons Why You Need a Birth Doula/Mentor

Hiring a birth doula or mentor will be your greatest asset while planning how you’re going to bring your new little one into the world. A birth doula or birth coach is a trained, non-medical birth professional who can not only support and guide you throughout your pregnancy stage, but also they cheer you on as you take ownership during your child’s birth and postpartum periods.

A birth doula will work alongside your chosen healthcare providers and guide the rest of your chosen birth support team members prenatally so that everyone is on the same page with you, the birther. This mentor may facilitate conversations, and provide recommendations as needed, all the while encouraging you to ensure your baby’s official intro to this big new place we call the world is safe and treasured.

“That sounds great and all,” you’re probably thinking, “and why would I need this coach if I’ve already got birth support?” Well, FOLLOW ME as I share with you 10 reasons why you need a birth doula or mentor during this stage!

1. They Remind You of Your Birth Intentions and Values

Once you find out you’re pregnant, start the process of thinking about your intentions and values or your wishes. You will better understand or create your boundaries by setting intentions/goals that are based on your values. Ask yourself: 

  • What would a successful birth look like?
  • What if resources were unlimited? What resources would you need?
  • What would you do if you could not fail?
  • Who would you have to be?

Record these as a written statement for your whole team to reference. Your medical care providers and support team (doula included) could also have a copy BEFORE the birth, then bring an additional one to give to the nurses to put in their files.

Your birth coach/doula can help you come up with these, such as what you’d prefer for pain management, write them down for you and have a copy on hand during appointments and birth.

Once those are set up, your doula will be there during labour to remind you of these intentions you have created. They will be available to advocate with you and support your partner in advocating with and for you too. Their advocacy may be in the form of encouraging you to ask questions, mediating conversations between yourself and your healthcare providers, or strengthening your questions or concerns. If your wishes are not honoured, your birth mentor is there to guide you in the action steps and recovery plan you need for yourself and your healing.

It is so important that a person feels like they are being listened to, heard, and respected. With your birth mentor’s support or coaching, we aim to support you in clearing blocks so that you can accept or reject a recommendation. Coaching may help you stay the course by supporting person to remove blocks and potential barriers.

2. They Offer Physical Support During Labour

Your doula is trained in techniques to help manage the intensity of your labour and make it as comfortable as possible for you. Whether it’s massaging your back, applying pressure in specific places, or helping you move into a more comfortable and productive position, your doula’s knowledge and experience will help you ease through each contraction you have.

3. They Provide Emotional Support During Birth

Your doula is your calming presence during birth when you need it, giving you encouragement, support, and knowledge. As a result, you can be more at ease, and your body will naturally focus on what it needs to do. Having a birth coach next to you will provide you the freedom to trust when you hear “You’re doing good. Everything is fine. You got this!” that you really are doing good, and you know they have your back when you “don’t got this,” that’s okay too.

Emotional support also looks like a safe place to just be with all the feelings, sensations, and emotions of birthing within yourself, and as a shared experience with your doula and your partner. The feeling of being GOTTEN, seen, and heard! They find the freedom to be all the things they are and are not.

4. They Can Guide You to Create Your Ideal Birth Environment 

What do you envision your birth environment to feel like? What do you envision your birth environment to sound like? How would you prefer the lights? Do you have a favourite playlist of relaxing tunes you’d like played? Do you want someone to breathe and make noise along with you?

No matter what your preferences are for your birth environment, your doula is there for you to guide you to create your best birth environment adjusting as needed during your labour and birth.

5. They Guide Your Partner in Helping You

When you’re birthing your first child, it can feel scary and uncertain, not only for you but for your partner too. A birth doula is not your replacement for your partner’s support; rather, they’re there to be an extension of your partner (even if it’s just being quiet). Your doula/mentor not only encourages and supports, they also do a lot of prenatal education, ensuring that the birth wishes are clear between the couple. We do this through all of our communication and prenatals, where we go through birth expectations and what is in your birth intentions. It’s this way the team at Stages and I support partners in feeling in control and confident.

6. Birth Doulas Encourage You to Take Care of Your Basic Needs

In the thick of labour, you may be surprised how easy it is for you and your partner to forget important things like hydrating and using the bathroom. Whether your doula is holding the water bottle for you in between your contractions or reminding you to use the bathroom, your doula is not only there to remind you both of these self-care things but also to assist with the process. Their presence will allow your partner to be able to use the bathroom or grab a snack without leaving you by yourself.

7. They Can Run Errands on Your Behalf

Are you needing ice chips? Do you wish to have a birthing ball brought to your room? Need extra pillows? Does your playlist need to be changed and the lights adjusted? You don’t need to send your partner out of the room each time you’re in need of something. Your doula and the rest of your birth support team are here and available to get for you whatever you may need. 

8. They Can Help to Support Feeding Your Baby 

First feedings after birth are very important for your baby’s health and bonding with you. Whether you decide to chest feed, bottle-feed, or combo-feed, it’s not always easy. Your doula will help provide support to navigate your first feeding, learn to latch, and begin the nutrition journey with your wee one. They will guide you in their personal nutrition, as well as support that kind of ongoing information up to the baby’s self-led weaning. They can also recommend you call in lactation consultants if you need that extra support. 

9. Because That Home Visit is Exactly What You Need After Birth 

Your birth doula will typically visit your home within the first few days after your baby is born to check on you, process your baby’s birth with you, offer immediate support, and of course, gush over your new baby.

Midwives visit postpartum families on days 1, 3, and 6, in home or at the hospital. OB’s and General Family practices are usually 1 week after the birth. It’s at this time that it’s crucial to have a plan for rest, support, and care.

Your doula will help with filling the support gaps. For example, days 2 and 5 are good days for postpartum visits. Phone support while waiting for your OB, is also possible. As well, some families feel really supported and don’t look to have the postpartum visit until after that support dies down. So the typical look is based on the Individual’s unique needs for support.

10. They Can Connect with Local Resources and Providers They Trust

It takes a village to raise a child, and it can also take one to birth a child too. If you’re in need of a specialist, we have you covered to give you the best support and experience we possibly can through your pregnancy, birth, and beyond. We set parents up with the tools they need and can uncover and use again anytime in their parenting and lives.

Knowing who you may need and where to go can be confusing and overwhelming. Your doula is someone you trust who you speak with on a regular basis and can provide referrals to providers, support groups, and much more.

Are You Ready to Hire a Birth Doula?

Even if you have multiple children, you only experience their birth once. It’s powerful, transformative, and impactful. The way your child enters this world can affect the rest of your and their life too, not to mention the evidence that it also impacts future generations as well.

You deserve all the support possible to make your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience a positive and impactful journey.

Everyone should have someone they trust they can call on during these changing times.

Sometimes your partner can’t be there. Or maybe you’re solo. No one should give birth alone.

It takes a village to raise our children, and at Stages, we’re a tiny part of that village. If you’d like to hire us, we’ve got doula packages available that may work for you. Take a moment to get to know the doula team and when you’re ready, give us a call to schedule a consultation.

Candice Tizzard

Candice Tizzard

Welcome to my space! I'm going to share here everything I've learned in my years of experience as a doula and birth photographer.

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Candice Tizzard

Candice Tizzard

Welcome to my space! I'm going to share here everything I've learned in my years of experience as a doula and birth photographer.


It’s totally worth it! Unless you you’re not pregnant, and never plan to be, or you don’t have a cat, or a dog, and you’re not a lgbtq family, and you don’t like photography, or barbies. Well, yeah, then forget about it.