Is a Postpartum Doula Worthwhile? Yes, and Here’s Why

Do you have a new addition to your family on the way? If so, congrats! 

Beneath the smiles and tears of joy though, you may be feeling slight pangs of uncertainty. This is totally normal and OK to feel. You may also be wondering about what to do after the baby is born and thinking, how do we do all the things? 

Have you thought about hiring a postpartum doula? Yes, there is a doula for after birth help too! And I’m here to tell you why it’s worthwhile to have a postpartum doula by your side.

What is a postpartum doula? And what do they do?

Think of postpartum doulas like a warm hug, a soothing cup of tea, and a blanket of comfort, knowledge, and household help rolled into one loving human being.

Contrary to popular belief, our focus is on helping you, the parents, understand what you’re both going through emotionally and physically. We’ll talk you through the baby blues, watching for signs of postpartum depression and anxiety, and encouraging further assistance if necessary. Our goal is to work ourselves out of a job. 

These are services that postpartum doulas will typically help with:

  • Physical and emotional health advocacy, information, and referrals
  • Advice for postpartum recovery 
  • Strategies for self-care
  • Infant care
  • Breast/Chest feeding support
  • Partner support
  • Care for your baby’s siblings and fur babies (i.e. help with other children and pets in the house, if needed)
  • Family integration
  • Attachment support
  • Sleep support
  • Helping with meals/meal prep
  • Light housework

Basically, having a postpartum doula is as close as it’ll be to having Mary Poppins help around the house and provide a wide range of support! Minus Julie Andrews’s high musical notes.  

More specifically when it comes to the care of your little one, your postpartum doula can help with: 

  • Feeding Support: Includes chest feeding and pumping, which is a primary focus after birth. If needed, we can call in our lactation consultant (IBCLC) who can help with any concerns or issues. 
  • Sleep Support: Getting you and your little one as much rest as possible and going over strategies to maximize your rest as a new parent. 
  • Soothing Techniques: Your wee one may be fussy and it’s after birth when families could start running on empty. Your postpartum doula can teach helpful techniques to soothe both your fussy baby and yourselves as the stressed-out parents.

When it comes to having a parent aftercare support system, your postpartum doula may help with:

  • Caring for your physical recovery post-birth: prioritizing you, preparing padsicles, running baths, and other soothing and healing actions.
  • Being your voice when you need it: advocate for you at doctor’s appointments when you feel you are not being heard, or feel you need that extra bit of support. Or if you need a professional listener, we will listen and take notes, and then debrief what happens at the DR’s.
  • Helping with mental health concerns: navigating through postpartum depression is a big example. We can give you reassurance that what you are going through is normal, or provide you with community supports and referrals when needed. If your birth has a lot of obstacles before and after the big day, we’re here to validate you and your experience, and help navigate you through the mental effects of giving birth.

The most valued services a postpartum doula can offer is a little more difficult to put into words. The thing is, your postpartum period can feel like a dream-like, hazy blur, where you feel lost and overwhelmed. Your postpartum doula can be your dream guide, holding space as you experience this new journey and keeping a watchful eye on you, being the ear to listen when talking is needed, and looking for signs of adaptation issues or postpartum depression. 

Your postpartum doula can help you in your healing and recovery from childbirth by looking for signs you may benefit from more support by directing you to the proper resources you need to feel better. This includes referrals to people at our fingertips such as our villagers, for example. 

So, yay, now you know what they do! But maybe you need a little more reassurance than that? 

Benefits of Hiring a Postpartum Doula

Success in Chest/Breast Feeding: Having a postpartum doula around can be your confidence booster and cheerleader while feeding. You’re more likely to have a better experience with breast/chest feeding with their knowledge at your side. Plus, like we said earlier, your doula can introduce you to a lactation consultant so you have even greater support should you need it.

Mental Health: Postpartum depression is real and comes with its own slew of risk factors. Having a postpartum doula around as your soundboard can give you the nudge you may need to take charge of your mental health. That way, in the event any early signs of PD pop into being, you’ll already have the resources you need, when they’re needed. 

Confidence: A postpartum doula can be your cheerleader when things are going great for you and your new baby, and your guide when you need a dedicated support system beside you. Their presence alone can be a gentle reminder that you don’t have to do any of this on your own, and to trust in your intuition. 

Partner Skills: Your partner can benefit from having a postpartum doula too, as they develop the skills they need to help care for the wee one. There’s no pressure from anyone or anything else; rather there’s a neutral person from the outside making sure your partner remains the silverback gorilla. 

Child Communication: Postpartum doulas can guide you if you’re new parents on how to better understand the communications around your baby’s needs. Doulas can be there as you interpret the crying volumes, reflexes, body language, giggles, and wiggles that babies use to communicate. If you want to add a huge sense of freedom and nurture your confidence further, this is a great benefit to have around. 

By this point you’ve probably already trusted in us for your birth. Now, let’s see you through the rest of the way. 

Do you feel more confident about hiring a postpartum doula? Or do you still have a lot of questions to ask? You can contact Stages anytime, or you can click here for a free consultation. Because life is chaotic and overwhelming, and that’s okay. We got you!

Candice Tizzard

Candice Tizzard

Welcome to my space! I'm going to share here everything I've learned in my years of experience as a doula and birth photographer.

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Candice Tizzard

Candice Tizzard

Welcome to my space! I'm going to share here everything I've learned in my years of experience as a doula and birth photographer.


It’s totally worth it! Unless you you’re not pregnant, and never plan to be, or you don’t have a cat, or a dog, and you’re not a lgbtq family, and you don’t like photography, or barbies. Well, yeah, then forget about it.